DRI-ONE Flame Retardant Treated Lumber, Ready for Shipment Today.
CALL Us for More Information about DRI-ONE Treated Lumber
- Class A/Class 1 fire retardant (ASTM E-84)
- Slows the spread of flames and reduces smoke
- Made from Pine
32 Pieces of 23/32-in x 4-ft x 8-ft Radiata Pine Sanded 7 Plywood
Fire Retardant Plywood Sheathing.
Exterior Protection Check out DRI-ONE® EP Flame Retardant
CERTIFICATION: DRI-ONE® Flame Retardant meets the fabric testing standards set forth by the United States Testing Company, Inc. for the California Administrative Code, Title 19 for Class A Flame Retardant and for those set forth by the British Standard 476: Part 7: #1997 for Class One Flame Retardant, DRI-ONE® Flame Retardant also meets the standards set forth in the NFPA 701, Class A. Test results are available upon request.
The product has a number of uses including treatment of lumber to achieve a Class A flame spread rating as set forth in A.S.T.M. E 84, also known as the Steiner Tunnel Test. This method is similar to ANSI 2.5, NFPA No. 225, UBC No. 42-1 and UL No. 723.
Call or text for more details! (480) 964-0200
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